In a city as big as Barcelona, the supply of escorts and sex workers is as varied as its inhabitants. You can come across street-side whorehouses, escorts’ agencies, nightclubs, independent escorts and luxury brothels. The choice depends on the client’s budget and the features he seeks in the service.
The escorts’ rates in Barcelona are determined freely by the very escorts and vary according to the type of establishment they offer their services on, since the rent price of the room will be different. For example, an escort working at a street-side bordello will fix her rates lower than the one offering her services at a luxury whorehouse. Although it is true that this is one of the factors that determine the escorts’ rates, it is not the only factor. Both the physical and sexual skill levels they have on offer bring about the variation in rates.
Another criterion on which the rates of the escorts in Barcelona depend is the services she requires from the whorehouse like the purchase of condoms, cleanliness, bed sheets and towels, material rent, etc. Therefore, the escorts working at brothels or whorehouses usually set slightly higher prices.
What are the escorts’ rates at Felina? This is the question many of you will be asking themselves. Firstly, we would like to clarify that the mistresses at Felina Barcelona are totally free to fix their prices. The following common rates are usually fixed therein:
30 minutes: €105
45 minutes: €135
1 hour: €160
These are the rates usually known as “basic rates” by the escorts. These include an erotic shower, a massage and a sex session.
Some of the additional services other than the ones covered under the basic rates may entail an additional charge of which you will be apprised directly by the escort.
As we explained earlier to you, the escorts’ rates in Barcelona depend on the services required by them from the brothel. At Felina Barcelona, we provide the escorts with some fully well-equipped premises. We also make sure that the hygiene thereof is optimal. Furthermore, we provide the sex workers with both bed sheets and towels, which are delivered in sealed bags and have been subjected to careful washing and disinfection. Finally, the materials, condoms and lubricants provided by us to them are top-notch.
As if this were not enough, we also provide marketing and date-schedule management services to the prostitutes. In the same way, both the escorts and their customers enjoy the peace offered by our security and vigilance service.
Have we clarified your doubts regarding the price of escorts in Barcelona? As you can see, everything depends on the quality of service you wish to receive. Quality is more than assured at Felina Barcelona. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us in case you have any query regarding the escorts’ rates in Barcelona.
Would you like to have a date with an Arab escort in Barcelona? Is it your unfulfilled fantasy? If so, you are lucky. You will find the partner you need at our brothel. Mistresses from many different countries offer their services at Felina Barcelona, and Arab escorts are one of them. Do you want to discover what characterizes Arab sluts? What are you waiting for to keep reading this post?
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