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The World Mobile Congress in Barcelona

The World Mobile Congress in Barcelona
Published:2025-01-15 08:44:46
Updated:2025-02-13 11:17:51

From 2nd until 4th of March takes place The World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, a congress where the city is full of men and beautiful women.

In Felina Barcelona we do not want to be behind and as every year almost 50 professional escorts are waiting for you in our luxurious accomodations to offer you all kinds of sexual services.

Will be many girls that will give you advertising of their illegal apartments at the exit of the congress, also you will find many taxi drivers that will tell you that Felina Barcelona is closed, so they can take you to other place where they can have a commission… We remind you that we are one of the few LEGAL whorehouses in Barcelona, where the girls and the accommodations fulfill all the hygiene and operation regulations. Besides we open every day!!

So if you want to disconnect from a hard day in the congress, Felina Barcelona is your best choice. Call us +34630333111, write us info@felinabcn.com or come to visit us without any obligation. We are waiting for you.

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