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Barcelona escorts: how has paid sex evolved?

Barcelona escorts: how has paid sex evolved?
Published:2025-01-15 07:55:50
Updated:2025-02-13 11:09:47

Regarded as the world’s oldest profession, from our times to date, the work of an escort, company girl or luxury escort has changed a lot. If in the past being an escort simply meant offering sex, it isn’t that way today. The world has changed and so have men’s demands.

A greater opening up of the society to the matters of sex and the new role of women who are increasingly active and involved in the society made prostitution seem like a declining phenomenon, a residue of an ancient past. The truth is that not only has the supply in this sector increased significantly today, but also that it is more varied for satiating different types of clients.

María Antonia Carbonero Gamundí and María Gómez Garrido, professors at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, explain in their research, The New/Old Sex Work: Distinction and Stigma, that capitalism is the reason behind this phenomenon. In other words, it is as if prostitution had undergone the same tensions of supply and demand that have affected the huge majority of products, and has developed new strategies to diversify itself and widen its possibilities of satisfying a very diverse clientele. According to the two sociologists, it is the client’s transformation, and of what he seeks in his sexual rendezvous with a escort, that has lead to the change in luxury prostitution.

What does a client seek in an escort?

According to the survey, the average profile of the customer looking for a sexual fling with an escort has changed to a typically more sensible man than one of some years ago. The average customer not only pays for having sex, but also for having by his side a nice, well-mannered and elegant person who can provide him with an excellent company. The customer does not pay “cash for flesh”, but also for having more emotional contact, intimacy and complicity. In fact, although most of the times the date ends with a sexual relationship, the cases wherein a client books a date with an escort just for the company of a beautiful girl for a dinner or an event, without having sex later, aren’t rare.

The escort service can thus be defined as an “emotional work, that is, the internal and external work of a person on his/her own emotions to be able to also manage the other person’s emotions and thereby achieve a satisfactory situation”. In fact, this distances the profession of an escort from that of street hookers, wherein the sexual relationship continues being the only important thing.

Who does an escort look for in a customer?

Today most of the escorts have a cultural capital and middle-class origin. These women, who chose to enter into the world of luxury prostitution for various reasons, have to be respected as women and professionals, and have to be treated with manners and courtesy. Respecting an escort can mean a lot of things. For instance, not asking for services they do not offer, not asking for a discount or a sexual relationship without condom.

Respecting an escort also means respecting her privacy. This translates to not asking for the personal information of the escorts. Many of these girls or women do not want to mix work with private life.

Another very important aspect is the hygiene. Although erotic shower is mandatory at many brothels of luxury escorts like Felina Barcelona, it is very important for the client to show up clean for the date.

What can a client encounter at Felina Barcelona?

Felina Barcelona is a luxurious escorthouse in downtown, easily accessible via public transport or car. Felina Barcelona works with many luxury escorts who know how to fulfill clients’ every demand. If you are looking for an elegant and well-mannered escort who knows how to provide you with a lot more than quality sex, get in touch with all the escorts engaging in the GFE service at Felina Barcelona.

For any information you can send an email at info@felinbcn.com or call on +34 630 333 111. Our receptionist will advise you about the escort who best meets your requirements and will explain all the details of the GFE service to you.

Remember, Felina is a synonym of quality, professionalism and experience. At our bordello you will find all the inconspicuousness and luxury you seek for your date with an escort, and, moreover, don’t forget that many girls engage in the home and hotel outcall service.

Call and book a date with one of the beautiful escorts working at Felina Barcelona.

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