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Tips to be the best prostitute in Barcelona

Tips to be the best prostitute in Barcelona
Published:2025-01-02 09:09:09
Updated:2025-02-12 14:44:49

Do you want to become one of the best luxury prostitutes in Barcelona? Do you want to be such a good professional that your clients won’t hesitate to sleep with you again? Today we are bringing you a series of tips to be successful as a whore in Barcelona. Are you going to miss out on them?

Becoming the escort everyone wants to date requires effort and dedication. Most of the customers asking for the services of a luxury whore aren’t just looking for sex, but also hope for a certain quality in both the treatment and looks of the mistress.

When we make up our mind to improve, the first thing we ought to do is be aware of our weak points or the aspects in which we are lagging behind. After working on them, we will be able to start changing the small details that make the difference, and those small details will help you to provide a quality service to your customers.

5 basic tips for becoming Barcelona’s best escort

  • Look after your image and hygiene. Remember that the client has never had a date with you. The first thing he knows about you is how you look. Personal hygiene is one of the key factors at the time of making up one’s mind, which is why it is very important for you to pay attention to this aspect. Invest in lingerie and pay no attention to how your hands, hair or face look like.

  • Stand out from the rest. The introduction tends to be very short and quite a few in number. Use those few minutes to give him reasons to go for you. Don’t just tell him your name and kiss him. Wear a perfume that makes sure that he cannot forget about you, use some good one-liner and flirt with him a little.

  • Make the client feel special. If he likes how you’ve treated him, he is bound to come back to you. Be well-mannered, discreet and nice. Whenever possible, try and maintain a brief conversation. Do not act like a robot. Even if your customer is only looking for sex, nobody likes to have sex with a robot or someone who has come to the bed with a memorized script.

  • Do not use the cell phone during a date. Most of the clients agree that such behavior does away with the chemistry and makes the date a blunder.

  • Learn to adapt to every person’s needs. You will come across all types of clients, from those who are looking for your company and some love to the ones who want to make their wildest sexual fantasies come true. Dealing with the two in the same way would be a complete blunder and some of your dates would end in a disaster, and, of course, a bad review.

These are just the 5 basic tips that will help you to become the best escort in Barcelona. What are your thoughts about them? Would you like to share some other tip with us? Don’t forget that you can send your comments to us.

And what do you think about our short list of tips? As a client, do you think that these aspects are important? Many of the escorts collaborating with Felina Barcelona will provide you with this and a lot more. If you need more information, you can get in touch with us through our contact form or by giving us a call on +34 630 333 111.

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