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The video of the Erotic Show Barcelona: talk about sex without hesitation

The video of the Erotic Show Barcelona: talk about sex without hesitation
Published:2025-01-02 09:04:01
Updated:2025-03-11 08:14:00

As every year, the video of the Erotic Show Barcelona has been the starting point of one of the most significant events in the adult leisure industry. The event will be held from October 4 to 7 at the Valle Hebrón Pavilion and will feature various world-famous erotic artists as well as sexologists and specialists in the sector.

Last year the video of the Erotic Show Barcelona went around the world both for the content of its message and for its forcefulness. A spectacular Amarna Miller made us reflect on the adult leisure industry and its perception within society.

This year, the Salon communication has not been left behind and has launched another clear and direct message focused on gender equality and the lack of sexual education that our society has suffered for too long.

The video of the Salon talks about the taboo of sex

We do not discover anything new if we say that in our society sex is a taboo. We find it hard to talk about sex, about sexuality, about eroticism and about everything that comes with intimate contact. One of the functions of the Erotic Salon is to unmask that taboo, break the social rules and put the points on the I's in this subject so little discussed.

The video of the Barcelona Erotic Show wants to break with the prejudice that exists about sex and about sex education that exists in our society. That is why during the days that the event lasts, various workshops and conferences are held on this topic to help us learn to treat sexuality from the starting point of normality.

According to the Erotic Salon, current porn shows a gender inequality

In recent years the rise of feminism has triggered a revolution in all areas of our society and how could it be otherwise, in the world of sexuality. The video of the BCN Erotic Show sheds light on known cases of gender inequality, social injustices and a macho base in the way of understanding sexuality and eroticism.

The message is harsh but necessary since on many occasions the adult film industry shows an image of gender inequality. That is why a real and radical transformation is needed where the content of pornography and eroticism establishes an egalitarian basis and focuses its message and entertainment from a more feminine point of view.

The video of the Erotic Salon Barcelona criticizes sexual education

As we have previously discussed, in our society there is a lack of sexual education and the video of the Erotic Show Barcelona shows the real consequences of this problem. Lack of training on sex leads us to find information through pornography and to get a wrong idea of sexual and affective relationships.

The problem lies in not knowing how to differentiate fiction from adult cinema and sex in real life, which leads to acquiring completely erroneous patterns of behavior. The BCN Erotic Salon aims to bridge this educational gap and has called together various sexologists who will give workshops, debates and conferences on sexuality during the days of the event.

As happened the previous year with Amarna Miller , the video of the Barcelona Erotic Show has been quite an event in the sector of sexuality and eroticism. If after reading this article you want to break the taboos of sex and enjoy your body to the fullest, we recommend that you come to Felina Barcelona and have fun with stunning girls. Call us at +34 630 333 111, send us an email to info@felinabcn.com or contact us through our contact form. If you prefer to come and meet them personally, you can check here the ones that are available in real time.

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