
Contact with our brothel in Barcelona

For any information or reservation you can call +34 934 095 319 / +34 630 333 111 (phone) and +34 630 333 111 (WhatsApp). You can also send a message by our contact form or by email to

Or if you prefer, you can come to our pleasure house without any commitment and know our beautiful escorts. In any case, a manager you will be help you and answer any questions as soon as possible. We are expecting you.

Contact Brothel in Barcelona Felina

Contact Form

Send us your query through this form

Enjoy with the best Barcelona escorts at our luxury brothel
Felina BCN


Can Bruixa Street, 42 B, 08014 Barcelona
Street level (District Les Corts)

+34 934 095 319+34 630 333 111  

+34 630 333 111 (WhatsApp)

Line 3 - Les Corts Station (L3).

54, 59, 66, 78, H8, H10 and V7.

Parking close.

10 minutes in taxi. Be careful with taxi drivers. They might try to convince you to go somewhere else because they work on commission. Also if they told you that Felina is closed, it's a lie, we are open 24/7.