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Duplex in Barcelona

Duplexes are the erotic dream of many men. Fantasizing about the idea of ​​having two sensual escorts in Barcelona just for you is like visualizing the best erotic scene in a porn movie, where the man is the true protagonist.

In this sexual service there are a great variety of combinations: different preliminaries such as a shower for three or an erotic massage with 4 hands, sexual postures and erotic games is one of the most versatile services where you can always go more, incorporating the service If both escorts are bisexual, the important thing for any of the fantasies you want to live is a duplex with 2 escorts or a lesbian show, is the connection of the three people.

How is the duplex service at Felina Barcelona?

Duplex service, in prostitution slang, is a man's relationship with two heterosexual women. Unlike the lesbian service with two escorts in Barcelona, ​​in the duplex service the escorts only interact with the man, never with each other, while in the threesome or lesbian service the three members have sex with each other.

During the sexual relationship at Felina Barcelona you can enjoy at the same time with the two chosen ladies, having a sexual relationship with each of them. If you want, you can get two orgasms, one with each luxury prostitute.

Duplex options are as follows:

  • The client penetrates an escort while performing oral sex on the other escort.

  • Both women excite the genital parts of the man, one stroking the testicles and the other performing fellatio and masturbation on the man.


The escorts in Barcelona that collaborate with Felina will be delighted to enjoy sex through a duplex with a gentleman. Many of them have already interacted together in duplexes, lesbians, orgies and have complicity, so we recommend choosing the escort that best suits what you are looking for and leaving your mind open, let it be her, who recommends the third person with whom without They will certainly have a very erotic moment.

Duplex services at Felina Barcelona

The bedrooms of Felina Barcelona are spacious and have big beds with mirrors all over the walls, which enables the client to see in perspective how the bodies of the escorts are providing pleasure to him. Moreover, most of the escorts on our premises offer this erotic service, which allows you to choose from a large number of high standing ladies.

Below are some of the escorts who have a public record and are willing to provide duplex sex service, you can also consult our lesbian service where you will come across the women who also offer threesome lesbian sex.

For more information you can get in touch with us through our contact form or by giving us a call on +34 630 333 111.

Duplex in barcelona



Can Bruixa Street, 42 B, 08014 Barcelona

Street level (District Les Corts)


10 minutes in taxi. Be careful with taxi drivers. They might try to convince you to go somewhere else because they work on commission. Also if they told you that Felina is closed, it's a lie, we are open 24/7.


Parking near.


54, 59, 66, 78, H8, H10 and V7.


Line 3 - Les Corts Station (L3).

open on Google Maps

All the escorts who collaborate with us freely determine the rates they offer for their services as companions and/or call girls at Felina BCN. We recommend that you contact us; the manager will inform you about the rates set by each escort of your interest.


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